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Clinical Case Report, No. Atlas 20

全口齦縮 24 顆牙之根覆蓋

博世牙醫國際教育機構,牙配得,aPIELD,植牙課程,牙周病課程,林保瑩醫師,博世牙醫,牙醫師課程,牙醫再教育-林保瑩 醫師 博世牙醫國際教育機構,牙配得,aPIELD,植牙課程,牙周病課程,林保瑩醫師,博世牙醫,牙醫師課程,牙醫再教育-林保瑩 醫師







假設患者需要多次手術,請問最快要等多久才能重複地從同側供區取得好品質的移植體呢? 可以重複取幾次呢?



已經購買我的第一冊《美學區天然牙與種植牙軟組織處理_ 臨床問題解決指引圖譜》的醫師,可以參考書中的案例#20,這位38歲的女性最初被轉診來接受上頷前牙區6顆的根覆蓋術,是為了矯正擴張前的預備,但因一個讓我吃驚的有趣理由,令患者「胃口大開」要求我多幾顆、再多幾顆!


The Pink PantherCase Series#4  


Suture comparison of Root Coverage with Live Video

How about a case with 24 teeth root coverage?
You might think either patient or Dr. Lin is crazy?

You probably knew by now from case#3, I discovered the most lasting and desirable root coverage procedures are pouched flap with CTG in the anterior region.

Does one procedure fit all? I mean all the teeth, including posterior teeth?

If not, what would be the procedure of choice?!

In some instances, if multiple procedures need, how soon can we obtain good quality tissue harvested from the palate repeatedly? How many times can one site be repeatedly harvested?

If you are a right handed surgeon, which side of the palate do you think you can likely harvest thicker tissue?

Why not give it a guess!

For those of you who had purchased my book, please refer to case #20.

In which I’d presented a 38 y/o female who originally was referred for root coverage on upper anterior 6 teeth only prior to orthodontic expansion.

For some very interesting reasons she continued to surprise me by asking “More, More”!!!




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