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Clinical Case Report, No. FB News 013


博世牙醫國際教育機構,牙配得,aPIELD,植牙課程,牙周病課程,林保瑩醫師,博世牙醫,牙醫師課程,牙醫再教育-林保瑩 醫師 博世牙醫國際教育機構,牙配得,aPIELD,植牙課程,牙周病課程,林保瑩醫師,博世牙醫,牙醫師課程,牙醫再教育-林保瑩 醫師





我使用隧道術同時將兩個正門牙一起做根覆蓋和增厚,在完成非手術改善牙周囊袋後,在#41的齦緣置放結締組織,再鬆開#31、#​ 41之間的齦乳頭,然後達到根覆蓋的效果。其實#41在非手術時就已得到1mm牙齦退縮的改善,在根覆蓋手術完成後,共得到2mm的根覆蓋效果,且齦乳頭沒有受影響,皆維持在原來的位置。


The 5 Challenges on a difficult Root Coverage Case
-Root Coverage on a crowded mandibular incisor

⚫️Case scenario: #41 with Miller Class III ( RT2 ) recession complicated by following 5 challenges:
1. 5mm probe depth
2. High frenulum pull
3. Lack of keratinized attached gingiva
4. Crowded by mesial rotation
5. Very narrow papilla
Can one surgical procedure warrant optimal root coverage be achieved with gain of keratinized tissue, frenulum removal, attachment gain, thickened gingiva yet without compromising adjacent papilla and marginal gingiva?
Yes, tunneled flap with connective graft enough to cover #’s 31 & 41 will do following non-surgical scaling and root planing.
Partial thickness detachment seems to be able to release the frenulum tension while providing favorable bilaminar blood supply at the same time. Partially exposed graft will turn into future keratinized gingiva while thickening the marginal tissue. Suspensory suture appears to be helping counteract with gravity from the tunneled lower flap.




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